Sunday, November 2, 2008

From My Blogging Friend Margaret....

Today the worst person in politics is not Sarah Palin. It is Elizabeth Dole who ran an ad suggesting that her opponent is godless. Nevermind that her opponent, Kay Haggan, is a Sunday school teacher and an elder in her church. Nevermind that calling someone “Godless” leads to jets flying into skyscrapers. Nevermind any of that. Just follow this argument to its logical conclusion. Quick somebody, throw Haggan into a lake and see if she floats!

There is a reason that separation of church and state exists in the founding documents of our great nation. Our founding fathers were all too familiar with living in a world of religious prosecution just as much as they understood the ramifications of a government without religion. The solution is a government that allows both freedom for religion and freedom from religion. Smart bunch of guys those founding fathers.

A bit of history: On September 17, 1787 the Constitutional Convention came to a close in the Assembly Room of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although seventy individuals were chosen to attend the meetings, ultimately only thirty-nine actually signed the Constitution. George Mason of Virginia, Edmund Randolph of Virginia, and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts refused to sign the final document primarily because they were fearful of an all-powerful government and wanted a bill of rights added to protect the rights of the people. We owe a great deal to these men.

But today, Elizabeth Dole has spit on all of their graves.

It’s not pretty, but it’s almost over. Go vote.

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