Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time Capsule and Leopard installed!

Son just installed something for my MAC that does automatic backups of my harddrive without me doing anything and no cords to connect etc. I feel so much better about that. I was/am lousy about backing up data. (never did it) Bad, bad, bad I know.
Anyway that and he installed LEOPARD so have new things to play with. One thing I love about IPHOTO now is you can do albums of faces/places/etc. It was amazing how it goes through and auto sorts photos after you give it a sample face to search for.
Anyway......amazing stuff they have out there!!!!!!!! Simply amazing.
APPLE MAC time capsule:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is It Possible to Love a Grandchild More than THIS one?

OR THIS one?

or ONE in the hopper?


Beautifully Done!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Corporate-Organized Tea Bag Parties Today

The "tea parties" are promoted as a "grassroots uprising" against "high taxes." Tea stands for "Taxes Enough Already." However, 95% of Americans will received a tax cut in the next year if the upcoming Obama budget passes. Only Americans with incomes above $250,000 will receive a small tax increase -- and even then their taxes will be much lower than almost any time in the last 80 or so years. This increase on the top incomes will help pay for some of the Republican-caused economic damage as well as reduce the budget deficits that the country has faced ever since the same income group received tax cuts after George W. Bush was elected. (This is similar to the tax increase in first Clinton budget that led to the great economy of the 1990s and large budget surpluses.)

The other complaint from tea party organizers is that President Obama is "spending too much." The increased spending in the stimulus package and upcoming budget funds education, unemployment checks, efforts to ward off foreclosures and other programs designed to help bring us out of the recession and provide jobs. These are programs that benefit regular people instead of big corporations and the rich.

So regular people who go to these corporate-organized tea parties are asking the government to undo their own tax cuts and reduce their own government services in order to keep taxes low for the very rich. I wonder if people have really thought this through? ~Dave Johnson~

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What we need to remember and remind others about

The reality is that millions of Americans are out of work, and most hard working Americans have lost nearly half of their wealth, and many their homes, because of the way George W. Bush and the radical Republican ideologues who enabled him ran the government--and ran it into the ground. The reality is that we had a surplus when Bill Clinton left office, and the only reason President Obama inherited a $1.2 trillion deficit that now constrains him is that George W. Bush and the radical Republicans believed in handing out suitcases full of cash to their wealthy friends with no strings attached and no transparency. Personally, I think that bears saying, and I think it particularly bears saying every time those same Republicans preach fiscal discipline, heap scorn on government "bailouts" they both necessitated and engineered, or offer their quasi-religious answer of "the free market" to every problem the market has created or failed to solve, from the crisis in the housing industry and the lack of regulations on Wall Street that took down our economy (and the world economy along with it) to the fact that most working Americans are now afraid of changing jobs for fear of losing their health insurance. Republican politicians would certainly be a little less quick to step up to the microphone if they knew that every time they talked about fiscal discipline, a Democrat would be there to remind them that they were the ones who went on a 6-year spending spree with our children's money and then handed the better part of a trillion dollars out to Wall Street bankers and speculators, sacrificing the American taxpayer at the altar of their free-market extremism. ~Drew Westen

Friday, April 10, 2009


Do the republicans have a clue that 'TEA BAGGING" has more than ONE meaning? Obviously not!
I am ROFL my head off here. They are a laughing stock, especially Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and Rick Santelli.
Well THAT made my to go and amuse myself with the rest of it.......sunshine, roses blooming and life is good.

It is Good Friday...only 2 days until Easter Sunday! What a joyous day it will be then. Today we are expecting rain but I don't think so from the looks of the clouds.

I wish those you reading this a great and safe day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Michelle Obama a B--ch? Wow!

It really is time to start paying attention again. We elected Obama and that was a very good thing, but I am only now just fully realizing how bad it had gotten in this country. Roll up your sleeves because President Obama is going to need all the help he can get.

When Rush Limbaugh stands up, we need to insist that he sit down. When Ann Coulter writes a book, we need to let it collect dust on the shelf. When Mitch McConnell tells us that torture is still needed, we need not be shocked - we need to be outraged. When Cheney offers an opinion we need to hide the punch bowl and direct him to the nearest men’s room. And when (the popular website owned by a Christian radio network) we need to not patronize their sponsors
condoning Burt Prelutsky to call our First Lady a b--ch........that's going too far. "if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?" You can voice your own disgust as I just did.

Have a good day........I really mean it!