Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 year old granddaughter says......

LIly and PopPop are eating TOY STORY mac and cheese and honeydew melon for lunch and
she says, "PopPop you make my heart feel joyful."
Wow, what an emotional rush that was! We don't say that to her so she had to hear it from somewhere else.
Kids do listen to what we say and watch what we do.

Friday, February 18, 2011

from Maria Rodale....'Finding A Happy Harmony"
1. be nice
2. believe in karma
3. be strong and brave
4. reward yourself
5. laugh a lot
6. stop reading depressing books/watching violent television
7. allow yourself to just "feel"
8. be grateful.
So, rain this entire weekend but I am thinking "happy" thoughts here! Have a wonderful Presidents' Day/weekend everyone!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011