It really is time to start paying attention again. We elected Obama and that was a very good thing, but I am only now just fully realizing how bad it had gotten in this country. Roll up your sleeves because President Obama is going to need all the help he can get.
When Rush Limbaugh stands up, we need to insist that he sit down. When Ann Coulter writes a book, we need to let it collect dust on the shelf. When Mitch McConnell tells us that torture is still needed, we need not be shocked - we need to be outraged. When Cheney offers an opinion we need to hide the punch bowl and direct him to the nearest men’s room. And when (the popular website owned by a Christian radio network) we need to not patronize their sponsors
condoning Burt Prelutsky to call our First Lady a b--ch........that's going too far. "if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?" You can voice your own disgust as I just did.
Have a good day........I really mean it!